How do you know if you have dry hair? If you can’t tell if your locks are just frizzy or are unhealthy, there’s a simple test that you can do at the comfort of your home.
After all, having dry, frizzy hair can shoot your confidence down. So understanding why it happens is crucial to know how to address the issue.
Porosity Test
Hairstylist Leigh Hardge said you should check your hair’s porosity levels, which show your cuticle’s capacity to absorb moisture. Porosity is what will help you determine if your mane needs more loving or is generally healthy, the expert added.
All you need is a bowl with water. First, shampoo and rinse your hair to remove any product. After drying, pull a strand, drop it in the bowl, and let it stay for two to four minutes.
There are three things that can happen: your hair might stay on top of the water (low porosity), float and remain suspended in the middle (medium porosity), or sink to the bottom (high porosity). Now you know what actions you need to take in order to bring back your locks’ moisture.
Low Porosity
Low porosity hair doesn’t absorb moisture when you try to wet it because of the tightly packed cuticles, which are the outer layer of the hair. Since they are compactly stacked, there is no room for water to penetrate.

As such, deep conditioning products can build up – the reason for the straw-like strands. To address the stiffness, avoid heavy solutions that can leave your mane oily and greasy and instead, choose liquid-based items like hair milks.
Medium Porosity
Hair with medium porosity has a little loose but not too open cuticle layer, which means it allows water to enter and, at the same time, retains moisture.

You have medium porosity hair if it is shiny, can easily be styled or colored, and doesn’t take too long to air dry. However, don’t take this as a sign to abuse your mane – be careful in using perming and coloring products.
High Porosity
Meanwhile, having high porosity hair means your cuticle is too loose and has gaps, which means too much water enters, making it prone to frizz. While your hair allows too much moisture to seep, it doesn’t retain it.

To address this issue, use leave-on conditioners, oils, and sealers to help fill in the gaps on your cuticle. This way, you are locking in moisture to your hair.